A pun is the lowest form of humor unless you thought of it yourself.
A sense of humor is the ability to understand a joke - and that the joke is...
Humor is richly rewarding to the person who employs it. It has some value in...
Wit is the lowest form of humor.
Humor is just another defense against the universe.
Humor brings insight and tolerance. Irony brings a deeper and less friendly...
Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. Few people are interested and the...
Wit - the salt with which the American humorist spoils his intellectual...
Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility.
Humor is laughing at what you haven't got when you ought to have it.
A taste for irony has kept more hearts from breaking than a sense of humor...
Humor is perhaps a sense of intellectual perspective: an awareness that some...
Humor is reason gone mad.
A sense of humor is a major defense against minor troubles.
My computer beat me at checkers but I sure beat it at kickboxing.
A well-developed sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to your steps...
Alimony is like buying hay for a dead horse.
When humor goes there goes civilization.
The secret to humor is surprise.
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.
Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time.
Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not a sense of...
You can turn painful situations around through laughter. If you can find...
The secret source of humor is not joy but sorrow there is no humor in Heaven.
Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night.