If you want an interesting party sometime combine cocktails and a fresh box of crayons for everyone.
Chase after the truth like all hell and you'll free yourself even though you never touch its coat tails.
My being a teacher had a decisive influence on making language and systems as simple as possible so that in my teaching I could concentrate on the essential issues of programming rather than on details of language and notation.
I think leaders are incapable of the strength that passive resistance entails.
It always makes me sad when I think of how I saw Wagner wasting his vitality not only by singing their parts to some of his artists but acting out the smallest details and of how few they were who were responsive to his wishes.
My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.
What she did was to open our eyes to details of country life such as teaching us names of wild flowers and getting us to draw and paint and learn poetry.
Art works because it appeals to certain faculties of the mind. Music depends on details of the auditory system painting and sculpture on the visual system. Poetry and literature depend on language.
Dogs laugh but they laugh with their tails.
We extend our hand towards peace. Our people are committed to peace. We know that peace entails painful compromise for both sides.
Parenting as an unpaid occupation outside the world of public power entails lower status less power and less control of resources than paid work.
I pity the young woman who will attempt to insinuate herself between my mama's boy and me. I sympathize with the monumental nature of her task. It will take a crowbar two bulldozers and half a dozen Molotov cocktails to pry my Oedipus and me loose from one another.
Marriage is all about knowing the ins and outs and the intimate details and your wife is supposed to be the person you know best. But my brother and I think alike know everything about one another and when we get together we block everything else out. Nothing exists in our world except for us.
Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another.
The director's job is full of all sorts of annoyances and details - like how many cars are on the street. Ugh. I don't want it. I like my gig. And I feel that for the next 30 years or so I can keep learning more about it.
I enjoy learning technical details.
He surprised me by his familiarity with details of movements and battles which I did not suppose had come to his knowledge. As he kept me talking for over half an hour I flattered myself that what I had to say interested him.
The function of the politician therefore is one of continuous watchfulness and activity and he must have intimate knowledge of details if he would work out grand results.
I am conscious of my inability to grasp in all its details and positive developments any very large portion of human knowledge.
The knives of jealousy are honed on details.
The average husband enjoys the total effect of his home but is usually unable to contribute any of the details of work and organisation that make it enjoyable.
Providence conceals itself in the details of human affairs but becomes unveiled in the generalities of history.
The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.
God may be in the details but the goddess is in the questions. Once we begin to ask them there's no turning back.
This journey is not over. Our education initiatives have so much momentum and we're committed to sharing even more stories from the Arctic when we return.