Search For somethin In Quotes 1967

I've never had Internet access. Actually I have looked at things on other people's computers as a bystander. A few times in my life I've opened email accounts twice actually but it's something I don't want in my life right now.

To me there is something superbly symbolic in the fact that an astronaut sent up as assistant to a series of computers found that he worked more accurately and more intelligently than they. Inside the capsule man is still in charge.

I am of the very last generation who didn't have computers at school. As we grow old we'll become something of an aberration.

I have a crazy amount of different jobs so the way I manage that is to not do more than one at a time. It's like old computers that had small memory chips they would do something called swapping where they would fill the memory with one task do it and get it out.

I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image.

But picketing - picketing for or against something and handing out literature - these are conspicuously formal actions. They have to be understood as indirect communication.

Yes it must be something that goes very well with my voice let's say something that I understand that this would be good communication with the others and I don't pretend for instance to look for music that would be something that doesn't go with my personality.

I didn't know folk music growing up no. It's something I've come to study really because I think there's so much to learn from traditional music in the sense of the way music began as a way of communication the traveling storyteller the bard the minstrels.

A world community can exist only with world communication which means something more than extensive short-wave facilities scattered about the globe. It means common understanding a common tradition common ideas and common ideals.

I understand why people went nuts for 'The Artist.' We use words so much it's nice to be able to explore a different way of communication to be able to express silently what someone - or something - is thinking or feeling.

I slept for four years. I didn't study much of anything. I majored in something called communication arts.

I don't think there has been enough communication between the players and the tournaments. In one sense it's just as much the players' fault. Players talk between each other and in the locker room about things that can be improved and then when the time comes to talk and really do something about it they stop.

You're talking about a younger generation Generation Y whose interpersonal communication skills are different from Generation X. The younger generation is more comfortable saying something through a digital mechanism than even face to face.

Music is about communication... it isn't just something that maybe physically sounds good or orally sounds interesting it's something far far deeper than that.

Nurses serve their patients in the most important capacities. We know that they serve as our first lines of communication when something goes wrong or when we are concerned about health.

I learned never to empty the well of my writing but always to stop when there was still something there in the deep part of the well and let it refill at night from the springs that fed it.

My kid could get a bad X-ray and I could get a call from the doctor saying I have something growing in my bum and that would change my perspective on everything instantaneously on what is and what is not important.

Really each era has its own false nostalgia. We all put a picket fence up around something. For my generation it was the '50s and for other generations it will be something else. Change is scary for everyone as is complexity contradiction and an uncertain future.

To be in a situation where you have no rights whatsoever is something I wish everybody could experience. People's attitudes would change. It would be a better place.

Just because you liked something as a youngster doesn't mean you have to like it as an adult. You can change your taste a little bit on the sweets and things like that.

I don't think anything changes until ideas change. The usual American viewpoint is to believe that something is wrong with the person.

Sureness is something like a neck brace which we clamp around our lives hoping to somehow protect ourselves from the frightening constant whiplash of change. Sadly the brace doesn't always hold.

I think if there's something one needs to change with oneself it doesn't have to happen in the New Year. You can do that any time you please - not that it's not a good inspirational tactic for the people that it works for.

There is something in the pang of change More than the heart can bear Unhappiness remembering happiness.

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When I was 27 years old I organized legal aid clinics to help low-income seniors. It was a life-altering experience.