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I really only respect the Arab culture. I ain't really trying to pay no attention to ya know these little people in political positions and executive positions that ain't Arab culture oriented people because a lot of the times what are you really showing all of this concern for?

I've discovered that I've never had much respect for money and that has meant that money has ended up ruling me a little bit more than it should have. So I'm trying to learn - at this late stage in life! - to actually control that.

I was always fascinated by engineering. Maybe it was an attempt maybe to get my father's respect or interest or maybe it was just a genetic love of technology but I was always trying to build things.

It's a paradox to be an actress living in the city taking planes all the time trying to find the right balance in this life which is not so eco-friendly and still try to respect the environment.

All due respect and trying to be as modest as I can be I am a dancer. But I don't think I would be on 'Dancing with the Stars ' mainly because I would be too shy.

Every once in a while you live long enough to get the respect that people didn't want to give while you were trying to become a senior citizen.

There are so many things to think about when you make an album. Like who am I trying to impress? Am I going to get respect critical acclaim? Or am I going to sell lots of records?

I was just then going through a healthy reaction from the orthodoxy of my youth religion had become for me not so much a possession as an obsession which I was trying to throw off and this iconoclastic tale of an imaginary tribe was the result.

I think that we are at a point in our country where we're trying to decide what role should religion play in the political arena.

Kinsey was trying to study sex scientifically get rid of the overlay of culture and religion.

I met Roy's father once... And I think that Roy's relationship with his father is still at the heart of what Roy does. But at the end of the day he's trying to prove himself to a father he'll never really please.

I think when you're trying to produce a relationship on screen that doesn't actually exist perhaps sometimes there's a temptation to look at each other more to touch each other more.

And I have the support of the writers: I have a great relationship with the creative team and they have a good hold of my character and my personality and they come up with some great stuff and I'm forever trying to change it up keep it fresh.

Androgyny is not trying to manage the relationship between the opposites it is simply flowing between them.

They are representations of many shared hours of collaboration between us all. That's the real nature of the relationship the orchestra and I are trying to build.

Our relationship to reality and to our experience is all based upon the ideas in our mind that we're always trying to live up to.

Yes I don't believe that the inter-Korean relationship has quote 'deteriorated' since I assumed office. Rather I believe that the relationship between the two Koreas is entering into a new phase - a time of transition. And so I think that the North Koreans are trying to see what they can build with this with my new administration.

Actually I think my view is compatible with much of the work going on now in neuroscience and psychology where people are studying the relationship of consciousness to neural and cognitive processes without really trying to reduce it to those processes.

Over the years I've been trying to build a relationship with an audience. I've tried to maintain as much of a low profile as I could so that those characters would emerge and their relationship with audiences would be protected.

Mine is just a simple old human story - of one person trying with great rigor and discipline to comprehend her personal relationship with divinity.

The whole of science and one is tempted to think the whole of the life of any thinking man is trying to come to terms with the relationship between yourself and the natural world. Why are you here and how do you fit in and what's it all about.

I always believed in God and Christ but I was in rebellion - trying to make my relationship with God fit into my life instead of making my life fit in with him. I was stubborn.

I consider 'Dr. Horrible' a tremendous success. The fact that it won an Emmy I just think lends validity to what we were doing and the point we were trying to make: taking the power into someone else's hands and changing the world.

It's okay for Christians throughout centuries to exterminate races and for their priests to rape little kids throughout decades but trying to give the people the power to think and be individual that's evil?