Everything seems fine until you're about 40. Then something is definitely beginning to go wrong. And you look in the mirror with your old habit of thinking 'While I accept that everyone grows old and dies it's a funny thing but I'm an exception to that rule.'
Plus I love comic writing. Nothing satisfies me more than finding a funny way to phrase something.
Mmmm... the comedy that matters is the comedy you pull out of thin air. It's a bit like when something funny has happened and you try to explain it to someone else and end up saying 'You had to be there.'
I don't dismiss the music that I was involved with I don't think it was a joke I don't think it was funny or a phase I don't think it was just something I was doing back then to me it was who I am. It connects all the way through. I don't distance myself from any of it.
I think there's something in the fact that it's hard to be good looking and funny. You have to have an oddball quality people have to sympathise with you to find you funny.
It's funny how I use social media because I don't use it to promote my restaurants that much. I use it for social issues and I think that's what it's for. I do a few things - I mess around with music a lot because that's a passion of mine. If something strikes me and I want to share it I do.
If you think something's funny go with that. Most comedians pull jokes from a place of honesty.
To me what separates a funny movie from a good movie is something personal.
There's always something funny about men chasing women.
I've always enjoyed making people laugh. But in order for me to be funny I have to get ticked off about something.
I would like to do something modern and possibly funny.
But if something funny happens I can't resist. I have to tell the people.
I don't believe that anybody has come to a conclusion on why something is funny. It's funny because it's ridiculous and it's ridiculous for different reasons at different times.
It's interesting that whenever I meet some of the other Bond girls I always have something in common and it is an interesting sorority. We all share about our Bonds. 'Did your Bond do that?' 'Yes mine did!' So it is quite funny conversations. We may as well be in high school.
And at the time it is funny how you can look at something and say for example with my shoulder injury when it first happened I said this is the worst thing that could happen to me. Why me why now? Now I look back and say it was probably the best thing that happened to me.
I'm on so late I'm definitely the last seconds of anyone's attention. So I just want to give them something dumb to laugh at so they go 'That's funny ' then fall asleep.
I don't know now if I'm funny. I just keep talking and hope that I hit something that's funny.
Especially with a comedy you've got the clear cut goal of trying to make a scene funny. It's not like drama where you're trying to achieve some kind of emotion or trying to further the story along. You're trying to figure out what's the funniest way to do something.
This may sound funny but as much as the 'Today' show matured me it also was something of a cocoon. I'd been happy there. I never went into the boss's office and pounded my fist on the desk saying 'Give me more money! Give me a prime-time show!'
It sounds funny but the 2008 Olympics were something that just kind of happened and I was lucky they came at a point when I was uninjured and well prepared. As a gymnast you can't ask for much more.
I'm never afraid to try something if I think it's funny. And I know I'll regret it if I don't.
I don't really necessarily think I'm a funny guy but I like the opportunity to take on something that I don't feel I'm the best at doing.
On the stage you're there it's live. There's a beginning a middle an end. When something is funny you hear it right away.
It's funny with fiction - once you cut something it hasn't happened anymore.
Today's students can put dope in their veins or hope in their brains. If they can conceive it and believe it they can achieve it. They must know it is not their aptitude but their attitude that will determine their altitude.