And why do we who say we oppose tyranny and demand freedom of speech allow people to go to prison and be vilified and magazines to be closed down on the spot for suggesting another version of history.
I believe all Americans who believe in freedom tolerance and human rights have a responsibility to oppose bigotry and prejudice based on sexual orientation.
We must oppose programs that would take food from the mouths of younger generations to buy prescription drugs for old people and we must do it... for the children.
The number one lobby that opposes campaign finance reform in the United States is the National Association of Broadcasters.
In light of these facts Republicans have put forth a variety of proposals to make Social Security remain solvent for future generations. But up to this point Democrats have chosen to oppose our good faith efforts and insist that indeed there is no problem.
Science has sometimes been said to be opposed to faith and inconsistent with it. But all science in fact rests on a basis of faith for it assumes the permanence and uniformity of natural laws - a thing which can never be demonstrated.
If children understand that beliefs should be substantiated with evidence as opposed to tradition authority revelation or faith they will automatically work out for themselves that they are atheists.
I'm not scared of anything in particular but I am motivated by a fear of failure as opposed to a need to succeed.
I'm hopeful. I know there is a lot of ambition in Washington obviously. But I hope the ambitious realize that they are more likely to succeed with success as opposed to failure.
The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt.
Before this learning experience I had assumed that with regard to programs that sought to help people out of poverty the political world was essentially divided into two camps: conservatives who opposed these for a variety of reasons and liberals who supported them.
If your faith is opposed to experience to human learning and investigation it is not worth the breath used in giving it expression.
I hate it when people don't recognize the work of women as being universal or having any import to the world at large as opposed to men's work which is generally tends to be seen as more universal - men's writing about their own experience tends to be put in a broader context.
There will always be a place for us somewhere somehow as long as we see to it that working people fight for everything they have everything they hope to get for dignity equality democracy to oppose war and to bring to the world a better life.
In every case the environmental hazards were made known only by independent scientists who were often bitterly opposed by the corporations responsible for the hazards.
I am opposed to the use of public funds for private education.
Being non-commercial is never an ambition. Movies come together at different points for fortuitous reasons. You do them as you get the opportunity as opposed to doing them when you choose to or design to.
So that ideas of sort of relaxed symmetry have been something for years that I have been concerned with because I think that symmetry is a neutral shape as opposed to a form of design.
My dad was vehemently opposed to electric guitars. He did not look on that kind of music as legitimate in any way.
Support the strong give courage to the timid remind the indifferent and warn the opposed.
Howard Dean has been successful because he was clear in his opposition to the war. People appreciate a politician with the courage to say I oppose this war.
What I've always said is that I'm opposed to institutional racism and I would've had I've been alive at the time I think had the courage to march with Martin Luther King to overturn institutional racism and I see no place in our society for institutional racism.
It was a very cool thing to be a smart girl as opposed to some other different kind. And I think that made a great deal of difference to me growing up and in my life afterward.
Anything that isn't opposed by about 40 percent of humanity is either an evil business or so unimportant that it simply doesn't matter.