When the people become involved in their government government becomes more accountable and our society is stronger more compassionate and better prepared for the challenges of the future.
Our human compassion binds us the one to the other - not in pity or patronizingly but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future.
One's life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others by means of love friendship indignation and compassion.
In times such as these people should recognize that evil knows no borders knows no limits and knows no compassion. Those around the globe that value freedom must continue to persevere even in the darkest of times.
Religious liberty is the first freedom in our Constitution. And whether the cause is justice for the persecuted compassion for the needy and the sick or mercy for the child waiting to be born there is no greater force for good in the nation than Christian conscience in action.
When there's that forgiveness present and compassion it just helps you live so much easier.
I think we learn the most from imperfect relationships - things like forgiveness and compassion.
I realized that it's all really one that John Lennon was correct. We utilize the music to bring down the walls of Berlin to bring up the force of compassion and forgiveness and kindness between Palestines Hebrews. Bring down the walls here in San Diego Tijuana Cuba.
For me forgiveness and compassion are always linked: how do we hold people accountable for wrongdoing and yet at the same time remain in touch with their humanity enough to believe in their capacity to be transformed?
All major religious traditions carry basically the same message that is love compassion and forgiveness the important thing is they should be part of our daily lives.
To see those babies with no food for three of four days old people sitting in the hot sun when you see these poor people you cannot help but being compassionate or affected.
Compassion is a call a demand of nature to relieve the unhappy as hunger is a natural call for food.
As the earth spins through space a view from above the North Pole would encompass most of the wealth of the world - most of its food productive machines doctors engineers and teachers. A view from the opposite pole would encompass most of the world's poor.
The thirst for powerful sensations takes the upper hand both over fear and over compassion for the grief of others.
God's dream is that you and I and all of us will realize that we are family that we are made for togetherness for goodness and for compassion.
My mother's love has always been a sustaining force for our family and one of my greatest joys is seeing her integrity her compassion her intelligence reflected in my daughters.
In search of a complete education with the ideals of trust faith understanding and compassion many families are turning to the structure discipline and academic standards of Catholic schools.
I met the president when he was president-elect at a meeting in Austin. He spoke of his faith. He spoke of his desire for a compassionate conservatism for a faith-based initiative that would do something for poor people.
I haven't lost faith in human nature and I haven't decided to be less compassionate to strangers.
What unites Oklahomans today is what has always united us: Our unshakable faith. Our love of family and compassion for others. The unlimited promise of a hopeful future.
Let judges secretly despair of justice: their verdicts will be more acute. Let generals secretly despair of triumph killing will be defamed. Let priests secretly despair of faith: their compassion will be true.
It is a great consolation for me to remember that the Lord to whom I had drawn near in humble and child-like faith has suffered and died for me and that He will look on me in love and compassion.
But my experience is that people who have been through painful difficult times are filled with compassion.
I joined the Labour party because I believed in equality in freedom of speech and in tolerance compassion and understanding for people irrespective of their background and views. In whatever I decide to do in the future I will hold to those principles.
I went to the Performing Arts School and studied classical ballet. That attitude is something that's put into your head. You are never thin enough.