Life has a certain flavor for those who have fought and risked all that the sheltered and protected can never experience.
I believe that as women we must commit ourselves to sustaining the progress made by our foremothers who fought so hard for women's equality and liberation.
We have fought for social justice. We have fought for economic justice. We have fought for environmental justice. We have fought for criminal justice. Now we must add a new fight - the fight for electoral justice.
Today there are people trying to take away rights that our mothers grandmothers and great-grandmothers fought for: our right to vote our right to choose affordable quality education equal pay access to health care. We the people can't let that happen.
The enemy fought with savage fury and met death with all its horrors without shrinking or complaining: not one asked to be spared but fought as long as they could stand or sit.
But while mum and dad were incredibly caring it was also a very chaotic household where everyone fought about everything. So I know what it's like to internalize all that chaos.
My dad was a Communist Party member who fought for his country.
Ronald Reagan's well documented final battles with Alzheimer's disease were fought with the same conviction and courage that his many public battles were fought.
Although the war in which you fought took place more than half-a-century ago your courage your sacrifice and your patriotism reaches through the decades and inspires us today.
Maybe more climate activists will think about the climate change not as an international problem to be resolved in an air-conditioned meeting hall but as a guerilla war to be fought in the streets.
We first fought... in the name of religion then Communism and now in the name of drugs and terrorism. Our excuses for global domination always change.
Wars of nations are fought to change maps. But wars of poverty are fought to map change.
In my world history comes down to language and art. No one cares much about what battles were fought who won them and who lost them - unless there is a painting a play a song or a poem that speaks of the event.
I believe very strongly and have fought since many years ago - at least over 30 years ago - to get architecture not just within schools but architecture talked about under history geography science technology art.
The anger in the Brigade against those who fought the Republic in the rear was sharpened by reports of weapons even tanks being kept from the front and hidden for treacherous purposes.
You ask me if I will not be glad when the last battle is fought so far as the country is concerned I of course must wish for peace and will be glad when the war is ended but if I answer for myself alone I must say that I shall regret to see the war end.
I must try and break through the cliches about Latin America. Superpowers and other outsiders have fought over us for centuries in ways that have nothing to do with our problems. In reality we are all alone.