I come from Montana and in eastern Montana we have a lot of dirt between light bulbs. It is expensive trying to bring the new technologies to smaller schools to upgrade their technologies to take advantage of distance learning.
Of course I'd like to produce and direct a blockbuster but you gotta build up to that. So now I'm learning from a bunch of little movies. And it's more fun with smaller pictures. It's more creative.
The ordinary American - as far as I can tell - knows so much less than he did fifty years ago and has such poor work habits compared with fifty years ago that the average multiplicand of knowledge/capabilities is a much smaller number than it was in 1961.
As the biggest library if it is in disorder is not as useful as a small but well-arranged one so you may accumulate a vast amount of knowledge but it will be of far less value than a much smaller amount if you have not thought it over for yourself.
The higher the voice the smaller the intellect.
Put your heart mind and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.
Yes well I really hope I can make a difference even in the smallest way. I am looking forward to helping as much as I can.
History is malleable. A new cache of diaries can shed new light and archeological evidence can challenge our popular assumptions.
Their memory's like a train: you can see it getting smaller as it pulls away And the things you can't remember Tell the things you can't forget that History puts a saint in every dream.
The past is malleable and flexible changing as our recollection interprets and re-explains what has happened.
I look forward to working with our leadership team to advance the causes of smaller government lower taxes eliminating terrorism and providing affordable health care among other issues.
With any child entering adolescence one hunts for signs of health is desperate for the smallest indication that the child's problems will never be important enough for a television movie.
We can make a commitment to promote vegetables and fruits and whole grains on every part of every menu. We can make portion sizes smaller and emphasize quality over quantity. And we can help create a culture - imagine this - where our kids ask for healthy options instead of resisting them.
He who attends to his greater self becomes a great man and he who attends to his smaller self becomes a small man.
The smallest flower is a thought a life answering to some feature of the Great Whole of whom they have a persistent intuition.
Smallness in a great man seems smaller by its disproportion with all the rest.
The game of golf would lose a great deal if croquet mallets and billiard cues were allowed on the putting green.
I believe that smaller government is better government. But I also believe that in the areas where government does play a legitimate role we should demand that it is done better.
You know when Republicans were in charge we doubled the debt. But now our concern is the Democrats are in charge and they're tripling the debt. So really our concern is that we want smaller government.
One side of the American psyche wants smaller government lower taxes and more choices for individuals even if those choices increase risk. The other wants a strong social safety net to protect the weakest among us even if it costs more to minimize risk.
By making bold cuts in spending and commonsense entitlement reforms we will make our government simpler smaller and smarter.
God hangs the greatest weights upon the smallest wires.
It's only I have seen enough of it and the funny thing is now I know that I'm skinny because I know there are even smaller clothes in the store. I think I'm big when I was big I never thought about it.
I turn up in Los Angeles every now and then so I can get some big money films in order to finance my smaller money films.
Quarreling over food and drink having neither scruples nor shame not knowing right from wrong not trying to avoid death or injury not fearful of greater strength or of greater numbers greedily aware only of food and drink - such is the bravery of the dog and boar.