Those who insist on having hostilities with us kill and destroy the option of friendship with us in the future which is unfortunate because it is clear the future belongs to Iran and that enmities will be fruitless.
The dupe of friendship and the fool of love have I not reason to hate and to despise myself? Indeed I do and chiefly for not having hated and despised the world enough.
Since there is nothing so well worth having as friends never lose a chance to make them.
What is our freedom fight about? Is it about the liberation of children or just having sex with them?
There is something akin to freedom in having a lover who has no control over you except that which he gains by kindness and attachment.
Havin' fun while freedom fightin' must be one of those lunatic Texas traits we get from the water - which is known to have lithium in it - because it goes all the way back to Sam Houston surely the most lovable the most human and the funniest of all the great men this country has ever produced.
I have always been a firm believer in the longstanding American principle of having the right to bear arms and I will remain committed to see that this freedom is not infringed upon revoked or limited in any way.
Having grown up in Bombay from the day you're born you have absolute freedom to choose who you want to be.
I would say that the war correspondent gets more drinks more girls better pay and greater freedom than the soldier but at this stage of the game having the freedom to choose his spot and being allowed to be a coward and not be executed for it is his torture.
I feel like my work has been my path to freedom from having grown up in a segregated environment.
My view is that good community management is like having good municipal government: You should be able to have dissenting opinions and so on freedom of speech but your grandmother should also be able to walk down the street at night without having to worry about getting mugged.
I like the freedom of podcasting. With podcasting you can really mess around with the form and the format. You can do as much time as you like without having to pause for commercials.
I love to deer hunt and fish and drive down the back roads in my truck. All those things basically equal freedom to me - and not having to return that message or call from my record company or management. At some point I need to recharge.
Freedom consists not in doing what we like but in having the right to do what we ought.
You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once.
Real freedom is having nothing. I was freer when I didn't have a cent.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err.
If only I wasn't an atheist I could get away with anything. You'd just ask for forgiveness and then you'd be forgiven. It sounds much better than having to live with guilt.
It is very east to forgive others their mistakes it takes more grit and gumption to forgive them for having witnessed your own.
Understanding where your food comes from trying to bolster local farmers and local economies and having a better connection to the food around you and the people around you only good can come of that. I love to be involved with things like that.
Unless everyone grasps the importance of having only two children per couple wars won't be over just oil anymore they will be over water and food.
The only break I ever took was to eat. That's all I did. Work and then quickly eat something. It became my main pleasure having access to my comfort food.
I would like to have you quote me Erich von Stroheim as having said on this day of this month of this year this one thing: you Americans are living on baby food.
The impetus behind going to graduate school was a year after graduating from college spent in Dallas working at the dog food factory and Bank America and not having met success in my chosen field which at that point was being an actress.
As a general rule I don't plan to travel with my Oscars but we may have to make an exception.