Search For havin In Quotes 758

When I was young my ambition was to be one of the people who made a difference in this world. My hope is to leave the world a little better for having been there.

In motivating people you've got to engage their minds and their hearts. I motivate people I hope by example - and perhaps by excitement by having productive ideas to make others feel involved.

I will end up with someone in the arts. I am positive. I eat breathe and sleep acting. And I'll end up with someone who is happy staying at home and having me cook supper. But I also really need to be intellectually challenged and stimulated. I want someone bookish and someone who is passionate.

I fantasize about having a manual job where I can come home at night read a book and not feel responsible for what will happen the next day.

About 15 years ago I went though a period of a year or so when I just couldn't find anything good. My wife noticed I was having trouble reading menus. I bought some cheap reading glasses in a drug store. I got home and suddenly all these books that weren't good were good.

In principle if I could not have a home I wouldn't. But not having a home would be too difficult procedurally going from hotel to hotel the gap of three hours where you're hungry and tired.

I still cook at home. A lot of chefs I think don't cook at home. But I still do I love cooking at home I love having friends.

The aesthetic came along the way I think - just through experimenting and going on tour and trying stuff out on stage having fun with it and not taking it too seriously. If I had a ballgown at home I'd wear it onstage. If I found something in a charity shop I'd wear it. That's where it grew from - just wanting to play dress-up.

Having robbed children of any sense that their Father is in Heaven and that they are His creation we then launched an experiment in raising them without earthly fathers too. Having neither a Father in heaven or a father in the home many young men make gangs their families.

I remember when I came home from the hospital after having my son I wore a Narciso Rodriguez black coat. Then I was using this fragrance that I had created. I walk by that coat and it still smells like that fragrance. It takes you right there.

I really like having a life outside work. I sometimes wish I did more career stuff and was in that Hollywood scene a bit more. But Toronto's my home.

I'm kind of a dork. I don't have much game. I'm not particularly comfortable in bars or clubs. I much prefer being home playing Scrabble having dinner with a couple friends going to see a movie or losing a whole weekend to Season 14 of Law and Order or The Simpsons.

Having been let out of the barn once I know I wouldn't be happy if I were home all the time.

These days you have the option of staying home blogging in your underwear and not having your words mangled. I think I like the direction things are headed.

It's not a bad thing for a writer not to feel at home. Writers - we're much more comfortable at parties standing in the corner watching everybody else having a good time than we are mingling.

One of the great privileges of having grown up in a middle-class literary English household but having gone to school in the front lines in Southeast London was that I became half-street-urchin and half-good-boy at home. I knew that dichotomy was possible.

Having leveled my palace don't erect a hovel and complacently admire your own charity in giving me that for a home.

I think about being married again having a home and a wife. No one can ever be married too many times and maybe if I keep trying I'll get it right one day.

When you're safe at home you wish you were having an adventure when you're having an adventure you wish you were safe at home.

There's really no point in having children if you're not going to be home enough to father them.

If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face you should go home and examine your conscience.

One of the oldest human needs is having someone to wonder where you are when you don't come home at night.

There is just no comparison between having a dinner date with a man and staying home playing canasta with the girls.

Say there's a white kid who lives in a nice home goes to an all-white school and is pretty much having everything handed to him on a platter - for him to pick up a rap tape is incredible to me because what that's saying is that he's living a fantasy life of rebellion.

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I'm not a professional I lack even basic knowledge about writing music.