I've got some great guy friends. They can start out as crushes. But when you realize something isn't going to happen you make a choice whether or not the friendship is worth it. And it usually is. Then you can laugh about the fact that you used to have a crush on him or he had one on you.
I love life in spite of all that mars it. I love friendship jokes and laughter.
My parents and librarians along the way taught me about the space between words about the margins where so many juicy moments of life and spirit and friendship could be found. In a library you could find miracles and truth and you might find something that would make you laugh so hard that you get shushed in the friendliest way.
In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.
So keep fightin' for freedom and justice beloveds but don't you forget to have fun doin' it. Lord let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous ridicule the fraidy-cats rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce.
When people talk of the freedom of writing speaking or thinking I cannot choose but laugh. No such thing ever existed. No such thing now exists but I hope it will exist. But it must be hundreds of years after you and I shall write and speak no more.
If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led like sheep to the slaughter.
The highlight of my childhood was making my brother laugh so hard that food came out of his nose.
It's easy to impress me. I don't need a fancy party to be happy. Just good friends good food and good laughs. I'm happy. I'm satisfied. I'm content.
The way you deal with a scare is the way you deal with a laugh. The timing has to be perfect. When you're dealing with fear or laughter - emotions that happen spontaneously - you hope it's working. But in the moment you really have no idea.
The fear of the never-ending onslaught of gizmos and gadgets is nothing new. The radio the telephone Facebook - each of these inventions changed the world. Each of them scared the heck out of an older generation. And each of them was invented by people who were in their 20s.
We should laugh before being happy for fear of dying without having laughed.
We must laugh before we are happy for fear of dying without having laughed at all.
We must laugh before we are happy for fear we die before we laugh at all.
Comedy is defiance. It's a snort of contempt in the face of fear and anxiety. And it's the laughter that allows hope to creep back on the inhale.
I hasten to laugh at everything for fear of being obliged to weep.
He makes me laugh Mick! He tended to turn up when we were having lunch and entertain us all. He bought an Enigma machine! I've never worked with a producer who was more famous than everyone put together.
I studied Hitchcock a little bit at University and knew the famous story about the Birds - that he'd tortured Tippi for a day using real birds. I had no idea that it was a five-day onslaught and that it was the tip of an iceberg that carried on through to another film.
Save your rejections so that later when you are famous you can show them to people and laugh.
But I didn't ask to have somebody nose around in my private life. I didn't even ask to be famous. All I asked was to be able to earn a living making people laugh.
I've always been part of comedy. One of the things about our family was that if we were reasonably funny with each other particularly my two brothers and myself when my father was upset with something you'd want to make sure in some way you made him laugh. Because when he didn't laugh you were in trouble!
My family has very strong women. My mother never laughed at my dream of Africa even though everyone else did because we didn't have any money because Africa was the 'dark continent' and because I was a girl.
People just don't laugh when their family is violated and you don't shrug it off. You band together and you defend together. It's a funny primitive instinct.
I guess now that I think back I used to play priest and be a funny priest. I don't know I grew up in such a Catholic family that I kind of liked to test the boundaries a little bit and I think I had fun watching my mom laugh.