A growing number of young women who have the freedom to decide have decided that career can wait and the delicious early years of their children's lives can't.
I think that we could be more careful about what we're saying to young women in terms of their expectations. It's unrealistic to expect people to always be in designer clothes. Girls growing up deserve more freedom in how they look and how they feel about how they look.
One of the things that bothers me most is the growing belief in the country that security is more important than freedom. It ain't.
Freedom is not won by merely overthrowing a tyrannical ruler or an oppressive regime. That is usually only the prelude to a new tyranny a new oppression.
Especially for me growing up in such a small town in the middle of nowhere the desire to be away was incredible. I wanted to see new lands meet new people from the city and meet people that were in much less fortunate situations than I was so that I could be more appreciative of my present. At least I had food on the table.
The public should know that the liability issues here have yet to be resolved or even raised. If you're a farmer and you're growing a genetically engineering food crop those genes are going to flow to the other farm.
When two kids are being completely berserk and they're naked and throwing food around sometimes I just let it go because I can see a future where they're going to be dressed and they're going to be at school. So I kind of let stuff go sometimes.
If you're using first-class land for biofuels then you're competing with the growing of food. And so you're actually spiking food prices by moving energy production into agriculture.
My mother was a P.E. teacher and she was kind of a fanatic about fitness and nutrition growing up so it was ingrained in me at a young age. As I get older I'm finding out it's not about getting all buffed up and looking good. It's more about staying healthy and flexible.
Our growing softness our increasing lack of physical fitness is a menace to our security.
But because we in the United States finance our current account deficit by borrowing in our own currency we can move to a more competitive dollar without the adverse effects that followed currency declines in other countries.
So I'm a young boy in the 1940s growing up seeing Ralph Bunche on a regular basis seeing Duke Ellington on a regular basis. We know that these people are famous. They're living in the same community as we live in. They go to the same stores and shops.
When you're a famous successful person at 16 years old the rules change for you. Everybody is doing things for you to make life easier so you can go out and play. And I think you miss out on lot of growing up and a lot of reality checks.
When I was growing up I thought I'd be a lot happier if I was famous and successful and if I had money.
You do not want to get married at 22! Especially if you're famous because girls are going to be throwing themselves at you.
As a shy kid growing up in Sheffield I fantasized about how it would be great to be famous so I wouldn't actually have to talk to people and feel awkward. And of course as we all know from fairy stories when you achieve that ambition you find out you don't want it.
When we were growing up our parents somehow made it clear that being famous was good. And I mistakenly thought that if I was famous then everyone would love me.
When I'm home the heart and soul of our family is in the kitchen. Growing up my parents both worked so dinnertime was for family - the TV was off. I think it's important to grab that time and really make it special even after a tough day.
When I was growing up in Mississippi - it was good Southern food... but I also grew up with a Greek family when other kids were eating fried okra we were eating steamed artichokes. So I think it played a big part in my healthy cooking.
Growing up with my family gave me some of my best memories. I'd like to have a family of my own - slip away for a bit and do nothing but spend those early years with my children.
Whole communities are growing up without fathers or male role models. Bringing up a family in the best of circumstances is not easy. To try to do it by placing the entire burden on women - 91% of single-parent families in Britain are headed by the mother according to census data - is practically absurd and morally indefensible.
My family... always had the value of the family table and these cultural influences of growing up.
Here's the thing: the unit of reverence in Europe is the family which is why a child born today of unmarried parents in Sweden has a better chance of growing up in a house with both of his parents than a child born to a married couple in America. Here we revere the couple there they revere the family.
A growing awareness of the depth of popular attachment to the family has led some liberals to concede that family is not just a buzzword for reaction.
My work ethic came from my parents and my fear of failure. I came from a small predominantly black school and I didn't want to let them down.