Ajax isn't a technology. It's really several technologies each flourishing in its own right coming together in powerful new ways.
No society can surely be flourishing and happy of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable.
In Israel a land lacking in natural resources we learned to appreciate our greatest national advantage: our minds. Through creativity and innovation we transformed barren deserts into flourishing fields and pioneered new frontiers in science and technology.
Every major religion today is a winner in the Darwinian struggle waged among cultures and none ever flourished by tolerating its rivals.
Peace goes into the making of a poem as flour goes into the making of bread.
The basic problem with my love relationships with women is that my standards are so high - and they apply equally to both of us. I seek full-blast mutual intensity fully fledged mutual acceptance full-blown mutual flourishing and fully felt peace and joy with each other. This requires a level of physical attraction personal adoration and moral admiration that is hard to find.
To believe that patriotism will not flourish if patriotic ceremonies are voluntary... is to make an unflattering estimate of the appeal of our institutions to free minds.
Affliction is the wholesome soil of virtue where patience honor sweet humility and calm fortitude take root and strongly flourish.
Poetry fettered fetters the human race. Nations are destroyed or flourish in proportion as their poetry painting and music are destroyed or flourish.
Intelligence flourishes only in the ages when belief withers.
If the Great Way perishes there will morality and duty. When cleverness and knowledge arise great lies will flourish. When relatives fall out with one another there will be filial duty and love. When states are in confusion there will be faithful servants.
As Americans we don't see the role of government as guaranteeing outcomes but allowing free men and women to flourish based on their own vision their hard work and their personal responsibility.
Religion flourishes in greater purity without than with the aid of Government.
For evil to flourish it only requires good men to do nothing.
God flourished my ministry and my career of creative thinking communicating and writing back 50 years.
Israel was not created in order to disappear - Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and the home of the brave. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom.
No work or love will flourish out of guilt fear or hollowness of heart just as no valid plans for the future can be made by those who have no capacity for living now.
Trust is to human relationships what faith is to gospel living. It is the beginning place the foundation upon which more can be built. Where trust is love can flourish.
The wisdom and experience of older people is a resource of inestimable worth. Recognizing and treasuring the contributions of older people is essential to the long-term flourishing of any society.
Virtue can only flourish among equals.
When sudden death takes a president opportunities for new beginnings flourish among the ambitious and the tensions among such people can be dramatic as they were when President Kennedy was killed.
Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated mistakes are tolerated communication is open and rules are flexible - the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family.
Studies show that children best flourish when one mom and one dad are there to raise them.
Creative ideas flourish best in a shop which preserves some spirit of fun. Nobody is in business for fun but that does not mean there cannot be fun in business.