One Christmas build-up tradition however has totally bypassed me - that of...
It may be a cliche but it's true - the build-up to Christmas is so much more...
No one knows 'men' as such any more than anyone knows 'women ' and if they...
Make no mistake most women are well aware that they've never had it so good...
'Stress' was the catch-all every pamper-pedlar I spoke to used to explain why...
Most women are wise to the fact that lots of men love a cat-fight and thus...
As a kid I grew to define what I didn't want my life to be like by sitting...
When did women whose looks are not their living start conducting themselves...
I don't really care what people tell children - when you believe in Santa...
Can I just say here how much I hate the word 'pamper'? While pretending to...
Lots of women love to accuse men of being immature when the fellow in...
Big women do themselves a disservice when they attempt to become the...
Women more often than not do things which aren't remotely relaxing but are...
As with most liberal sexual ideas what makes the world a better place for...
Show me a frigid women and nine times out of ten I'll show you a little man.
It's received wisdom that the English are uniquely child-unfriendly.
There's something brave and touching about game girls of all ages keeping...
As I get older I think contrary to modern assumption but in line with the...
It's very hard to imagine the phrase 'consumer society' used so cheerfully...
No matter how old and glorious the models sad indeed is the woman who sees...
Being a monarchist - saying that one small group is born more worthy of...
The money I pay for my cultural experiences came willingly from my own pocket...
We are used to female writers who use their private lives as unmitigated...
From paying off friends' tax bills to rescuing stray dogs and stuffing...
When I leave here when my final day on this earth is up I want to leave in peace. I want to have peace in my heart.