Search For precondition In Quotes 8

Why are we talking about talking? Why negotiating about negotiating? It's very simple. If you want to get to peace put all your preconditions on the side sit down opposite a table not in a studio by the way.

High moral character is not a precondition for great moral accomplishments.

The Israeli government has proved over the past year its commitment to peace both in words and deeds. By contrast the Palestinians are posing preconditions for renewing the diplomatic process in a way they have not done over the course of 16 years.

The precondition to freedom is security.

Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty promoting sustainable development and building good governance.

You need education. You need subsistence protection. We need jobs and social security. These are preconditions under which it will perhaps be possible to deal with these complex circumstances.

Education is a precondition to survival in America today.

For art to exist for any sort of aesthetic activity to exist a certain physiological precondition is indispensable: intoxication.

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I'm really an inner spirit that only makes itself known through the music. A lot of people think I'm an introvert or quiet and moody. I've even heard some people say that there's a certain mystery or darkness about me. I'm not that way. I'm just really into what I do.