Search For manageable In Quotes 4

The older I get the more wisdom I find in the ancient rule of taking first things first. A process which often reduces the most complex human problem to a manageable proportion.

For many women going back to work a few months after having a baby is overwhelming and unmanageable. As strange as it may seem things get even more difficult for a working mom after the second and third baby arrive. By that time the romance of being a modern 'superwoman' wears off and reality sets in.

All's the government should do is keep the taxes and regulations at a manageable rate keep a decent standing army and get out of the way.

Having your fiscal house in order and having a more manageable macro-economic future is going to be very useful in creating growth.

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In history as in human life regret does not bring back a lost moment and a thousand years will not recover something lost in a single hour.