I'm open-minded. I don't consider myself gay or hetero I just am. I've had experiences all over the planet but it always comes down to just me but I think at this point if I had an ongoing relationship I believe it would be with a man.
Admittedly a homosexual can be conditioned to react sexually to a woman or to an old boot for that matter. In fact both homo - and heterosexual experimental subjects have been conditioned to react sexually to an old boot and you can save a lot of money that way.
Do the bishops seriously imagine that legalising gay marriage will result in thousands of parties to heterosexual marriages suddenly deciding to get divorced so they can marry a person of the same sex?
Our national media refuses to report that even the Supreme Court did not say marriage was a human right in all cases nor did it say that the heterosexual definition violated anyone's right or that the heterosexual definition of marriage was unconstitutional.
I could be wrong but I think heterosexual marriage is threatened more by heterosexuals. I don't know why gay marriage challenges my marriage in any way.
Another argument vaguer and even less persuasive is that gay marriage somehow does harm to heterosexual marriage. I have yet to meet anyone who can explain to me what this means. In what way would allowing same-sex partners to marry diminish the marriages of heterosexual couples?
Studies have consistently shown that financial hardship is the biggest obstacle to heterosexual marriage yet the Republican leadership has done precious little to help address the financial hardship faced by American families.
In itself homosexuality is as limiting as heterosexuality: the ideal should be to be capable of loving a woman or a man either a human being without feeling fear restraint or obligation.
We will see a breakdown of the family and family values if we decide to approve same-sex marriage and if we decide to establish homosexuality as an acceptable alternative lifestyle with all the benefits that go with equating it with the heterosexual lifestyle.
My image had always been very heterosexual very straight. So it was a nice experience for me a chance to clarify my own feelings about gay and lesbian civil rights.
If the Liberals' law is passed will sex education in the schools including elementary grades include the same portrayals of sexual activity which presently exist in heterosexual instruction? Will there be the same presentation of homosexual activity? Of course there will.
The more specific idea of Evolution now reached is - a change from an indefinite incoherent homogeneity to a definite coherent heterogeneity accompanying the dissipation of motion and integration of matter.
I think change is possible but only for individuals who were never truly gay in the first place and who have a strong personal motivation to recover their heterosexuality.
Just as we reject racism sexism ageism and heterosexism we reject speciesism. The species of a sentient being is no more reason to deny the protection of this basic right than race sex age or sexual orientation is a reason to deny membership in the human moral community to other humans.
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