Ajax isn't a technology. It's really several technologies each flourishing in its own right coming together in powerful new ways.
No society can surely be flourishing and happy of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable.
In Israel a land lacking in natural resources we learned to appreciate our greatest national advantage: our minds. Through creativity and innovation we transformed barren deserts into flourishing fields and pioneered new frontiers in science and technology.
The basic problem with my love relationships with women is that my standards are so high - and they apply equally to both of us. I seek full-blast mutual intensity fully fledged mutual acceptance full-blown mutual flourishing and fully felt peace and joy with each other. This requires a level of physical attraction personal adoration and moral admiration that is hard to find.
The wisdom and experience of older people is a resource of inestimable worth. Recognizing and treasuring the contributions of older people is essential to the long-term flourishing of any society.
I try not to wear anything I have to fidget with - there's nothing worse than wearing something and pulling down the hem and re-adjusting the top. My pet hate is when girls wear those strapless dresses and spend the whole night yanking them up.