To become properly acquainted with a truth we must first have disbelieved it and disputed against it.
If a man has been his mother's undisputed darling he retains throughout life the triumphant feeling the confidence in success which not seldom brings actual success along with it.
The definition of marriage cannot be disputed. It's right there in black and white and it's been the same since the start of Wikipedia.
It simply cannot be disputed that for decades the Palestinian leadership was more interested in there not being a Jewish state than in there being a Palestinian state.
Have you learned the lessons only of those who admired you and were tender with you and stood aside for you? Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you and disputed passage with you?
They took their meals together and it was remarked on such occasions when the friendship of animals is put to a hard test that they never quarrelled or disputed the possession of a favourite fruit with each other.
Hope is a state of mind not of the world. Hope in this deep and powerful sense is not the same as joy that things are going well or willingness to invest in enterprises that are obviously heading for success but rather an ability to work for something because it is good.