You affect the world by what you browse.
The British are supposed to be particularly averse to intellectuals a prejudice closely bound up with their dislike of foreigners. Indeed one important source of this Anglo-Saxon distaste for highbrows and eggheads was the French revolution which was seen as an attempt to reconstruct society on the basis of abstract rational principles.
I like to browse in occult bookshops if for no other reason than to refresh my commitment to science.
Although a lot of pain for a little screen time Shaving legs waxing eyebrows high heels trying to put on a bra losing weight because women's clothes are SO revealing - Ladies you have my respect.
I never let anyone pluck including myself unless my mom approves. She guards my eyebrows. She's like the eyebrow police!
I don't have to do a lot to my eyebrows. My mom always told me not to pluck them which is great advice.
Some of the best times I've spent in Colorado have been in the backcountry with my mom and siblings and more recently with my own kids. That is why I'm concerned to see today's kids spending more time browsing the Internet than exploring nature.
I've never had my brows done - I tweeze them myself. I used to watch my mom pluck her brows that's how I learned.
I love learning about different dialects and I own all sorts of regional and time-period slang dictionaries. I often browse through relevant ones while writing a story. I also read a lot of diaries and oral histories.
I had a lot of dates but I decided to stay home and dye my eyebrows.
The computer can't tell you the emotional story. It can give you the exact mathematical design but what's missing is the eyebrows.
If I was designing a web site for elementary school children I might have a much higher percentage of older computers with outdated browsers since keeping up with browser and hardware technology has not traditionally been a strong point of most elementary schools.
I continue to meet people who have had their Web pages hijacked their browsers corrupted in some cases their children exposed to inappropriate material from these dangerous programs hidden in their family computers.
I just became one with my browser software.
I was born into the most remarkable and eccentric family I could possibly have hoped for.