Technology has allowed us to have more drought-resistant crops. The spotty...
There are ways we can go do a better job of educating young moms and dads...
When you've paid your debt to society you need to be reconnected and...
It is critical to develop a biofuel industry powered by feedstocks produced...
President Obama's fight for rural America is personal. He was raised by a...
Proper school nutrition must be complemented by activities outside of the...
We know that there are significant health benefits from consuming more fruits...
I don't know if there is a Democrat who necessarily doesn't believe health...
I don't know of a Democrat - whether they're a conservative a centrist or a...
The rise of childhood obesity has placed the health of an entire generation...
If you think of what food is it's the energy we use to do our daily work. I...
Food is a fairly significant aspect of my life. I have struggled mightily...
Food during my early years was a very difficult issue for me. I grew up in an...
Let us build a 21st-century rural economy of cutting-edge companies and...
You know rural Americans are a special people. Their labor puts food on our...
The food pyramid is very complicated. It doesn't give you as much info in a...
Local and regional food systems are about opportunity.
Somewhere between 50 to 60 percent of the food you eat has been touched by...
The lack of access to proper nutrition is not only fueling obesity it is...
In the past 40 years the United States lost more than a million farmers and...
In his first year in office President Obama pulled us back from the brink of...
My father was an autodidact. It wasn't a middle-class house. Shopkeepers are aspirant. He paid for me to go to private school. He was denied an education - he had a horrible childhood. He got a place at a grammar school and wasn't allowed to go.