My father wasn't around when I was a kid and I used to always say 'Why me?...
When did I know I had talent? I think it started when I first started playing...
But sports carried me away from being in a gang or being associated with...
When you have that respect from your teammates it makes it a lot more...
I need music. It's like my heartbeat so to speak. It keeps me going no...
My mom and I have always been there for each other. We had some tough times...
I hear my friends and my mom tell me I'm special but honestly I still don't...
Being the only man in the household with my mom definitely helped me grow up...
When I was 5 some financial things happened and I moved seven times in a...
Akron Ohio is my home. It will always be remembered. Akron Ohio is my life.
Sometimes in the past when I played something might make me lose focus or I...
Akron Ohio is my home. I will always be here. I'm still working out at my...
But now being a parent I go home and see my son and I forget about any...
For me already being part of a single parent household and knowing it was...
Commitment is a big part of what I am and what I believe. How committed are...
You know God gave me a gift to do other things besides play the game of...
I'm a pretty funny guy and I would love to do a comedy with a bunch of funny...
I am just happy to be part of the Nike family.
You know my family and friends have never been yes-men: 'Yes you're doing...
Basketball is my passion I love it. But my family and friends mean...
You have to be able to accept failure to get better.
To all the positions I just bring the determination to win. Me being an...
I have short goals - to get better every day to help my teammates every day...
I remember when I was 11 I told my mom 'One day I'm going to buy you a house.' And she said 'Boy don't you be making promises you can't keep.' I was like: 'No Ma it's not a promise. I'm going to buy you a house one day.'