We have been blessed with a healthy growing economy with more Americans...
Well purity - there's no purity in politics.
If you remember you just have one constituent and that's God himself and if...
Marriage is a religious and state issue.
If we become too scared to confront the chief problems of our time there is...
I don't need to be asking for money for local museums and other projects just...
Since the dawn of time traditional marriage - the union between one man and...
You've got the Democratic Party that now depends on more government spending...
I think people are confused about what the Tea Party is. I mean they were a...
As more people rely on government programs the harder it becomes to conduct...
I believed the only thing that could turn around this government spending and...
Motorists who want to save money on gas will demand and buy more...
Today is a celebration of hope for the Iraqi people. The Iraqi people can now...
We know from our own history that democratic institutions take decades to...
Well one of the most important things for Americans to be reminded of is...
I would support a devolution of power out of Washington for education health...
Well we lost a lot of our independence already. We are dependent on China...
One of the greatest titles in the world is parent and one of the biggest...
I want to find the candidates who understand the principles of American...
I just want people to know that if they want to change the direction of the...
The hope and change the Democrats had in mind was nothing more than a retread...
We need comprehensive reform that will make America the best place in the...
If we want to secure the best jobs in the future we must make America the...
Society is one vast conspiracy for carving one into the kind of statue likes and then placing it in the most convenient niche it has.