When I was in Pulp I actively did more TV stuff because that was during the...
You know when you get into that thing where people want to discuss the...
Also because people like to multitask in a way if you've got a bit of music...
Money isn't important but you have to have enough so you don't have to...
I am proud and more than a little excited to be asked to work with Faber in...
I love the Beatles. I haven't named any kids after them but I still really...
Every woman I've had a relationship with has found this maddening the fact...
I recently spent quite a bit of time in Sheffield England which is where...
Pulp existed for 12 years before we got famous. Now you could say that was...
As a shy kid growing up in Sheffield I fantasized about how it would be...
There's the famous thing that the A&R man from the record company is...
I think basically becoming famous has taken the place of going to Heaven in...
Unless you're living on the street and surviving on a diet of discarded...
I speak onstage to try to establish some method of communication. The songs...
Well once you've resigned yourself to the fact that you are the more mature...
I always thought that I might retire from any form of sexuality by the age of...
You get to a certain age and you just want to prove that you can still rock -...
I find that communication as an actor and person is an important part of who I am. And I'm really drawn into the psychology of those dynamics.