The Teenage Cancer Trust does incredible work supporting and caring for...
I've always been attracted to romantic secondhand clothes. But my style...
There's such an extreme feeling to be in love especially in quite an...
I've got quite a vivid imagination and I'm easily overwhelmed by sensations...
I'm a light sleeper. I've never been one of those people who can put their...
The aesthetic came along the way I think - just through experimenting and...
It would be too frightening for me to consider myself a role model. But I...
I'd gone from being this art student messing about with music to this girl...
I'm completely in love with the world but also terrified of it. It creates...
Going to parties usually makes me feel depressed just because I have such...
I've always been a bit of a decorator. I think if I wasn't a singer I'd...
My siblings and I were friends with the boys who would become our...
I saw 'The Artist.' It's really beautiful and it's all done to the letter...
I've got some incredible fans actually - so loyal and they make me birthday...
I try to write lyrics so that they won't age which sort of leaves you with...
Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.