In all of our society but especially in Hollywood there is an obsession...
I did one sci-fi movie. I did 'Gattaca.' I liked 'Gattaca' because that was...
My relationship to reality has been so utterly skewed for so long that I...
If you're not a real chameleon of an actor and if you're not one of those...
I don't know what has happened to movies but lately every movie is at least...
Right now if you're interested in being a dramatic actor they're not making...
If I do three movies in a year I don't feel like acting ever again.
It's difficult to do a genre film well and it doesn't matter if you're...
I remember being a kid and sleeping over at my friend's house and staying up...
I always felt that a marriage works best at a farm... where you're together...
We live in a funny time. If you don't go corporate you can't compete. You're...
I think that as soon as you think of yourself as a famous person or anything...
I met a lot of famous people when I was about 24. And none of them seemed...
I'd be lying if I said I had confidence in every choice I've made that I...
The biggest problem in my life is trying to be the kind of man that I want to...
I've had a lot of experience in independent film and about how to choose....
At every turn when humanity is asked the question 'Do you want temporary...
It was never in my dreams to make my personal life anybody else's business.
In New York you've got Donald Trump Woody Allen a crack addict and a...
If my kids are doing well then my life is going pretty well. And if my kids...
We couldn't get the car back until well after the end of the race and we had very little time for repairs.