I go and see anything that's visually new any technology that's about...
Listening is a positive act: you have to put yourself out to do it.
Well you can't teach the poetry but you can teach the craft.
To me the world's rather beautiful if you look at it. Especially nature.
I was always struck by how Picasso had no interest in music.
I draw flowers every day and send them to my friends so they get fresh blooms...
I'm a very early riser and I don't like to miss that beautiful early morning...
You had to be aware that I saw that photography was a mere episode in the...
I think my father would have liked to have been an artist actually. But I...
I did come from a pretty independent-minded family.
I'm interested in all kinds of pictures however they are made with cameras...
Cubism was an attack on the perspective that had been known and used for 500...
Anyway I feel myself a bit on the edge on the art world but I don't mind...
I went to art school actually when I was sixteen years old.
People criticized me for my photography. They said it's not art.
Shadows sometimes people don't see shadows. The Chinese of course never paint...
What an artist is trying to do for people is bring them closer to something...
Art has to move you and design does not unless it's a good design for a bus.
The moment you cheat for the sake of beauty you know you're an artist.
In my old age I'll be in L.A.
We live in an age where the artist is forgotten. He is a researcher. I see...
Dictionaries are like watches the worst is better than none and the best cannot be expected to go quite true.