You know it's possible for two humans to be in a relationship without there...
I think that the fact that a relationship becomes public is a bit of a...
Everyone asks me about being so worried or thinking about existence as if I'm...
I'm just a public-schoolboy. I've got a degree. I'm from a middle-class...
We aren't cool and never will be.
I've never been cool and I don't really care about being cool. It's just an...
I don't mind not being cool.
Celebrity culture has gone crazy and I think the reason is that real news is...
I don't actually own a car.
Coldplay fans are the best in the world. If you like Coldplay then you're...
Well I'll tell you something this wedding is something that I will always always cherish. It was a show of love and support and kindness like I'd never seen from the people and that's who I entertain. I entertain the people.