The hardest thing to find in life is balance - especially the more success...
I have to say that when you tour the world obviously the jetlags and...
I want to be more successful as a mother than I am in show business.
My kids give me the balance to live right.
I will perform My Heart Will Go On for the rest of my life and it will always...
I have shared my whole life. My private and my show business life. It helps...
I've never been cool - and I don't care.
I often buy myself presents. Sometimes I will spend $100 000 in one day in a...
There's no such thing is aging but maturing and knowledge. It's beautiful I...
I was not a good-lookin' girl. I was extremely skinny. I wasn't pretty. I...
I have a wonderful husband. I have three amazing kids.
Sex and beauty are inseparable like life and consciousness. And the intelligence which goes with sex and beauty and arises out of sex and beauty is intuition.