I have a theory and I really believe it. I think your worst weakness can...
Don't you dare underestimate the power of your own instinct.
Every single thing I learned about marketing and building my business I...
I wanted to be a 150% entrepreneur and a 150% mom and I found that I was...
My greatest strength as a child I realize now was my imagination. While...
The most influential factor in selling a home is always price. Don't build...
You may not like the idea of putting money into a home when you're moving...
Buy with your heart not your head. You can look at all the aspects that make...
A funny thing happens in real estate. When it comes back it comes back up...
I love myself. Anything that has my name I'm tickled to death.
Buyers decide in the first eight seconds of seeing a home if they're...
My husband had a very strong identity and was successful in his life. Thank...
I became a larger than life figure for one reason only. When you're quoted in...
In business you're the Chief Salesman. Create a sense of demand rather than...
If I could set a world record it would be that I have 150 business partners...
A whopping 89 percent of buyers start their home search online. How your...
A complainer is like a Death Eater because there's a suction of negative...
My mother is an amazing woman. Not only did she manage the entire household...
I was well motivated. What I wanted to do was work for myself. I had twenty...
I am not interested in slice of life what I want is a slice of the imagination.