I don't think you can tell the objective truth about a person. That's why...
Truth comes to us mediated by human love.
Of all liars the most arrogant are biographers: those who would have us...
I very much dislike the intolerance and moralism of many Christians and feel...
Nearly all monster stories depend for their success on Jack killing the Giant...
In the 18th century James Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny and...
Like many people in Britain I have an affectionate respect for the Queen...
I do not find it easy to articulate thoughts about religion. I remain the...
I should prefer to have a politician who regularly went to a massage parlour...
The latest research has revealed that women have a higher IQ than men.
In the past I used to counter any such notions by asking myself: 'Would you...
I suppose if I'd got a brilliant first and done research I might still be a...
If you read about Mussolini or Stalin or some of these other great monsters...
The Royal Family are not like you and me. They live in houses so big that you...
I am shy to admit that I have followed the advice given all those years ago...
I had lost faith in biography.
When Christians start thinking about Jesus things start breaking down they...
I might be deceiving myself but I do not think that I do have an inordinate...
Fear of death has never played a large part in my consciousness - perhaps...
The approach of death certainly concentrates the mind.
The death of any man aged 56 is very sad for his widow and family. And no one...
It is eerie being all but alone in Westminster Abbey. Without the tourists...
Brain power improves by brain use just as our bodily strength grows with...
Of course Hollywood is still making some excellent pictures which reflect the great artistry that made Hollywood famous throughout the world but these films are exceptions judging from box office returns and press reviews.